Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pictures from Ruth & Darryls Visit

Alaska Cotton
Alaska Cotton
Matt, Darryl, Ruth and Patrick
Family Picture 2009

Ruth, Darryl, Mark and Annie

Wild Geraniums
Humpbacks at Surfer's Beach

Darryl, Mark and Ruth coming up from Fossil Beach

Going in for a landing

Chewing on some grass!Ruth, Indy, Mark and Darryl at Surfer's Beach

Ruth by Fossil Beach

Ruth & Mark at Fossil Beach

Darryl & Ruth by Fossil Beach

Ruth was trying extra hard to get the perfect shot of this Chocolate Lily.

Darryl and Ruth at Surfer's Beach


Mark, Annie and Indy by Fossil Beach

Mark and Indy (he had to pick him up because of the eagle)

My handsome husband!

Killdear (not sure that is how you spell it but it looked good)

Flying down the beach!

Running to Mark!

Not one foot on the ground!


I'm coming for you!

This was so pretty. It is an old wooded fence and all the wild flowers by it.

Going in for a landing

This eagle was in the tree out by Pasagshak Bay

Darryl at Fossil Beach

C-130 coming up the runway with our new windmill on Pillar Mt.

Ruth looking for treasures on Fossil Beach.

more Artic Lupine on Fossil Beach

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