Monday, March 23, 2009

Craziness in Alaska

Well here we go....the beginning of Spring. That time of year when you look forward to sunny warmer days and flowers blooming. Well, not here in Alaska. Though I have to say that Friday (the official first day of Spring) was a beautifully sunny day. It quickly changed Saturday afternoon. It seems that Mark sent some snow our direction. It continued to snow most of the day Sunday. Thank heavens for Matthew and his snow shoveling abilities. He kept the sidewalk cleared for me. So we get a weather bulletin and it says we are going to get between 8 and 20 inches more. So waking up this morning (Monday) I was a little leery about looking out the window. So when I finally let Murphy and Indy outside I was so happy to see that those inches had not shown up! has been snowing non-stop all day. Windy and nasty outside! Weather underground has us under a Blizzard Warning with snow accumulations today of 3 to 5 inches and then tonight 3 to 6 inches. Did I mention that it is suppose to be SPRING?!?!? If you are interested in keeping up with our wacky Spring weather, here is the link:

So along with the crazy weather our wonderful Mt. Redoubt finally erupted last night. Right now I think we are all OK and won't get much ash here. This morning it was heading north. Evidently it has erupted 5 times since last night. We all have been waiting for it since January. Now we just keep an closer eye on it and make sure that the winds keep heading north. For more information on our volcano follow this link:

For those of you enjoying the beautiful Spring weather, enjoy it for me also!! Sometime in the next two months we may get it here.

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