Monday, January 19, 2009


Today since the boys had school and Mark didn't have work, we decided to drive out to Fossil Beach. It is quite a drive around 35-40 miles away. We stopped many many times and took some AMAZING pictures of eagles (our other mission is to get the perfect shot of an eagle in flight). Anyway, many of you will recall how much Indy LOVES the beach. Living in Astoria Oregon we went to the beach all the time. Indy just goes nuts out there. So we got to Fossil Beach and made our way down. It was another glorious day in Kodiak! I took off running so Indy would chase me, I stopped and Mark caught these adorable shots of him running back to him. You can see how happy he is in his face. As you can see from the photos his feet are not on the ground. LOL

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh my gosh, those pictures of your dog are too cute!